Pierre Harvey, M.Sc

113, St-Jacques St, Sherbrooke, PQ Canada J1R 0T2

Cell.: (819) 560-2499

e-mail : [email protected]


Fields of Expertise : SME Development and Expansion, Ethics and Corporate Governance, CSR, Export and International Trade and Affairs Consulting.


Long Island University (New York) 1990-1992 Master of Science (Int’l Relations)

Long Island University (New York) 1990-1991 United Nations Graduate Studies

Université de Sherbrooke (Québec) 1986-1990 B.A (History)


International Trade Centre (Geneva) 2007 National Export Strategy Seminar

World Bank and
Inter-Amer. Dev. Bank 1997 Business Seminars

Canadian Foreign Service Inst. 1996 Account Manager Certificate

APDEQ (Québec) 1996 Regional Economic
Development, R-D-L (Qc)

FCI MAIICC 1996 Negotiating with Latin America

CCCI, R & R Fund (Ottawa) 1994 UNHC, People Oriented
Planning Workshop

GADI (Montréal) 1993 Project planning and drafting

Gestion Norsud 1992 International Management Cert.


Harvey International Inc. (1999 – Full time to this day)
Pierre Harvey, M.Sc., President
113, St-Jacques St, Sherbrooke, PQ, Canada, J1R 0T2

International Relations, International Business Development, Political consultancy, Lobbyist, International Trade and exports for SME’s, Capacity building, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics and Corporate Governance in world affairs

International Relations and Trade Advisor (Since January 1999 – Current)

• International trade and marketing programs for foreign SME’s especially from developing nations
• Economic diversification programs and strategies(City of Valcourt, East-Angus, Bury, Scotstown, Lawrenceville, Racine, Magog)
• Sherbrooke Airport Feasibility Study, January 2012, City of Sherbrooke, Mayor’s office
• Currently acting as a lobbyist for the Sherbrooke Airport Project – 30 M$ value
• Specialist in small regional airport expansion projects
• SME start-up and support (in developing economies), evaluation and training programs for young entrepreneurs;
• Trade and Economic promotion organization start-up and support;
• Product to market evaluations and consulting for private corporations;
• Development of sales network in the USA and Europe, through agents, reps, distributors;
• Advice on Economic Development strategies, planning, US-Europe branch office opening and follow-up;
• Development of complete Trade and local economic development strategies for regional governments;
• International Trade training programs and seminars, conferences on trade related issues;
• In charge of the promotion of Futurallia 2000 in New England and New Brunswick;
• 168 trade missions in the Northeast (Boston-New York);
• NEXPRO Consultant for the Business Development Bank of Canada 2000-2001-2002-2003;
• Consultant on NAFTA issues for SME’s in North America;
• Facilitator of trade related activities for SME’s in the Northeast
• International cooperation training programs and seminars in countries such as Tunisia/Algeria on small business trade support;
• Speaker and lecturer on the concepts of cultural differences and business trends in North America for foreign corporations;
• Specialist on Norther Africa export projects, for Tunisia’s FAMEX programs;
• FAMEX Tunisia, export promotion specialist and speaker;
• Customers from France, Tunisia, Algeria;
• Special consultant, international export projects, Niamey, (Niger) Abidjan, (Ivory Coast), Dakar (Sénégal).

Champlain Regional College (Sherbrooke-Lennoxville Campus)
Nancy Beattie, Campus Director
Sherbrooke, Canada

Coordinator, Business Services and Continuing Education (24 months contract)

• In charge of revamping the continuing Education division for adults
• Marketing strategy and promotion of the new Business service towards local SME’s
• Promotion of current AEC’s
• Development of new AEC’s
o International Trade and Corporate Governance at the International level
• Joint campus strategy Lennoxville-St.Lawrence for the promotion and delivery of AEC’s
• Press and media management

Government of Canada Board of Referees, Quebec Region
Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Employment
Ottawa, Canada
Board of Referees Unemployment Insurance

President of the Board of Referees for the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada

• In charge of the Board of Referees, nominated by the Governor General in Council in March 2012

Université de Sherbrooke
Mr. Jean-Francois Lalonde, Director : (819) 821-8000 poste 62377
Faculty of Business administration, Business Center
2500, blvd Univesité, Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada J1K2R1

MBA Part-time Teacher for The University’s Business Center(Since October 2009 – Current Part-time)

• Developper of a new program for Executive MBA students (Business professionals and high ranking employees of private businesses):

– EBA 722 Ethics and Corporate Governance in the context of international Affairs
– EBA 721 Board of Directors Management

• Classes in Morocco, Algeria, Martinique (DOM-TOM)
• Classes in Paris, France – ESSCA

Lower St-Lawrence Region Export Promotion Corp.
Francis Fortier, President of the Board

1st Executive Director and Trade Commissionner (Jan. 1996 – Nov. 1999)

• In charge of the complete start-up and foundation of the corporation in 1997;
• In charge of export advisory services for SME’s and SME’s business and trade support;
• Long and Mid-term support to entrepreneurs for their export projects (mentor);
• Identification, organization and guidance for trade missions to the USA;
• Major partner of the Co-Enterprise event in Maine and Quebec (2 years in a row);
• Drafting, planning and implementation of international trade training programs;
• Coordinator and senior advisor to the 1997, New Exporters Program of the Business Development Bank of Canada (13 businesses);
• In charge of planning and drafting export financing projects from Impact PME of the MICST and Idea-SME, EDMP of Économic Development Canada;
• Analysis, planning, drafting and implementation of marketing plans;
• Development of a contact network in the USA, France, Peru, China, and Thaïland;
• 6 SME’s have started exporting after one year of CORPEX;
• Active presence in the Northeastern USA, Mid-Atlantic USA, Southeast USA et Midwestern USA (37 stays + 14 shows in 3 years);
• Founder of a satellite office of Corpex in Amqui (Québec) specialized in the export of value-added wood products.

Estrie International 2007 Inc. (819) 574-2742 (Sherbrooke)
Mr. Réal Patry, Executive director

International Trade Advisor (Aug. 1994 – Feb. 1, 1997)

• International trade advisor for SME’s of the Eastern Townships (Training of entrepreneurs, supervision of export projects);
• In charge of business projects for 17 SME start-ups all of them in different fields such as : food, medical, building material, construction, agriculture, industrial equipment, electrical, apparel, services, mining, retail products, novelties, softwares, etc…;
• Advisor for the NEXPRO (New Exporters Program (Gov. of Canada and Business Development Bank of Canada);
• Coordinator of the NEXPRO mission – Boston, April 1996 (14 businesses);
• Evaluation of Market-Product pair, potential and regulations within the host country (USA, Europe, South East Asia and Latin America);
• Preparation and follow-up on export projects funding (for EMDP, APEX);
• Planning projects for compliance to codes and standards agencies (PFS, HUD, BOCA, ULC, UL, HCCP, ASTM, ICBO, FDA, USDA) for Canadian businesses, joint-venture validation, licensing agreement with US corporations;
• Coordinator of various Match-making events with New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York City (USA);
• Developed specialized training programs on Cultural differences / International Economic trends (Training for new exporters);
• Advisor to an international marketing course, University of Sherbrooke (Project with undergraduate students to develop international marketing plans for Sherbrooke’s Youth SME’s for the New York City market).

Centre estrien de ressources en développement international Inc. (Sherbrooke)
(Not-for-profit NGO)
Mr. Robert Ward, Executive director (819) 846-6363

Project officer (Aug. 1992 – Sept. 1994)

• In charge of the canadian management side of international cooperation projects for youth in (Haiti, Peru, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Bénin, Togo, India);
• Development and management of youth oriented projects in Peru, (Drug Rehab Center for Youth in Callao, Lima, Peru) supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA);
• Project drafting, mid-term and final reports preparation (narrative and financial);
• In charge of a viability study for the organization’s monthly bulletin;
• Project canvassing and fundraising, negotiation of agreements with funders;
• French-English, English-French translator;
• Collaborator to a business training guide : « Introduction to international business »;
• Management, agenda planning and coordination of foreign group visits.

Coordinator (March – September 1994 Same organization)

• Initiator and developer of : « Youth in business » project, Summer 1994, Lima, Peru;
• Fund providers : Youth Initiative Program – Canadian International Development Agency and the Sisters of Presentation of Mary;
• Structuring of the project and of the training program for young Peruvians and Canadians;
• Marketing, selection of the candidates and development of on-site contacts in Peru;
• Coordinator of 8 young Canadians between 18 and 29 years of age, who travelled to Peru to prepare SWOT reports for 28 micro and small peruvian businesses managed by young entrepreneurs under 30 years of age;
• Development of a three year plan for an international education program for youth of the Club 2/3, Montreal (Canada);
• Coordinator of an international education program for youth, supported by CIDA in Sherbrooke (Canada);
• On-site evaluation of a Regional Development Fund project through the Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique of France (ACCT), in Hanoi, Vietnam.

United Nations – Office of Public Information (New York)
Ms. Thérèse Paquet-Sévigny, Under Secretary General

• United Nations training internship, June 1991, New York;
• Training on the Neptune Oceans Management Program.

World Alliance of YMCA’s United Nations Liaison Office (New York)
Ms. Kate A. Soudant, Executive director

Intern – correspondent (Sept. 1990 – June 1991)

• Correspondent at the United Nations for the alliance, NGO contact developer;
• UN conferences, meetings and breefings reporter, english – french translator;
• Assistant to the Executive Director;
• Relations with UN diplomats.


1990 Grant-recipient (Master’s degree) Long Island University, NY

1993 Grant-recipient : Group Study Exchange Norway (Rotary Int’l)

1993 Member : ROTARY Club, Sherbrooke

1994 Director : International Commission, Rotary Club, Sherbrooke

1995-1997 District Director : Canadian Rotary Committee for International Development – CIDA Funded Agency.

1995 President-elect : Rotary Club, Sherbrooke
District Director : Canadian Rotary Committee for Int’l Devel.

1996 President : Rotary Club (Sherbrooke, Qc.)

1999 Member, Rotary Club (Sherbrooke, Qc.)

1999 – 2000 Director of the International Commission of the Sherbrooke Rotary Club

2000 Member, Rotary Club, Sherbrooke

2000 Member, Board of Administrators, Carosse-Citrouille Daycare Center, Sherbrooke

2001-2004 Member of the Board of Directors. Plein Soleil Private Elementary School, Sherbrooke (Qc)

2005-current President of the Board of Directors. Plein Soleil Private Elementary School, Sherbrooke (Qc)

2005- current President of the Board of Directors, Boys and Girls Scout, Sherbrooke

2008 – current Member of the Conservative Party of Canada and candidate in the 2011 Federal election

2009 – 2014 President of the Board of Directors, Salesian College, Sherbrooke, Qc

2009 Special Economic advisor for the Mayor of the City of Magog, Quebec

2011 – 2013 Member of the Board of Directors – Champlain Regional College

2016 – Member of the Board of Directors, Sherbrooke Chamber of Commerce


• ECO-Sustainable Business Strategies for SME’s: Short Term Pain for Long Term Gain., International Trade Centre, Geneva, Switzerland, World Export Development Forum, Background Paper, 2008, 7 p.

• Pour un Québec plein de promesses; Rapport final du Groupe Avenir Québec, présidé par Me Jean Allaire. Member of the comity and Writer/Editor of the Economics section : Une économie d’avenir, 134 p., Octobre 2009 www.avenirquebec.ca

• The Role of International Organizations in the Control of Environmental Effects of Atmospheric Pollution: The Case of Acid Rain; negotiations between Canada and the United States., Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY, 1991., The Institute for the Study of International Organizations, 141p.

• Les politiques de multiculturalisme du Canada et l’immigration portugaise au Québec., McGill University, Montréal, PQ, 1991., Sociology Department, 25p.

• The Concept of Prisons in our Modern Society : A Study of Alternatives., McGill University, Montréal, PQ, 1991, Sociology Department, 30p.

• Étude de Marché et Positionnement Stratégique vers les États-Unis – Industrie du Contreplaqué., Marketing Six Continent, Brossard, PQ, 1999, 36p.

• Market Research and Marketing Strategy on the Usage of Perishable Goods Containers in the Vaccine Industry in Some Areas of North America., Marketing Six Continent, Brossard, PQ, 1999, 50p.

REFERENCES (More available upon request)

• Mr. Robert Ward, Pres., Viabilis International Business Relations (819) 846-6363
• Mr. Daniel Bourque, Patent and Trademark Law, Manchester, NH (603) 623-5111
• Mr. Ovide Lamontagne, Lawyer, Bernstein-Shur, Manchester, NH (603) 655-8838


Pierre Harvey, M.Sc.